We are committed to providing opportunities for contractors to participate in the Baltimore Peninsula development. Opportunities are publicly posted on this website, the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (“MOED”) and the Minority and Women’s Business Opportunity Office (“MWBOO”).
Awardees will be required to comply with all requirements of Port Covington’s MOU with Baltimore City, including, but not limited to: Local Hiring, Minority and Women’s participation, and Supplier Diversity.
Developer is seeking proposals for landscape management throughout Baltimore Peninsula (collectively the “Respondent”). The proposal is broken out into two sections, Chapter 1 Services and Future Development Site Services (the “Landscaping Services”). The standard outlines an efficient and horticulturally sound program of the highest quality, promoting the healthy growth of turf and plant material while ensuring the continual neat appearance of the site. The initial term of this agreement is 7 months, beginning on June 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, with annual renewals commencing on January 1, 2026.